A good friend is a great blessing for us. Among all my friends Faridur Reza Sujan is the most intimate
friend of mine. Our intimacy up since we were in class six. I like him better than any other friend for his
excellent behaviour and amiable character. Morever, he is a very meritorious student. He is very
attentive to and regular in his studies. He is very obedient to his teachers and loyal to the rules and

regulations of the school. He is also very helpful to the students who are slow in learning. If anybody
falls in troubles, he comes forward to help him. He is really a very helpful and sincere friend. He never
speaks ill of others. Both the teachers and students like him for his sincerity, truthfulness and honesty.
He often comes to my house specially on any ceremonial occasion. I also often go to his house. His
parents are very affectionate to me and look upon me as their own son. My parents also like him very
much. He tries to help me whenever I am in trouble. Similarly, I do everything for him when he is in

need. Such a good and faithful friend is hardly found now-a-days.