January 20,,2013
Motijheel Govt High School
Subject: Prayer for setting up a debating club.

I on the behalf of the students of your school,beg most respectfully to state that we have no debating club in our school.As such we do not get any opportunity to train up ourselves in the art of oratory.It’s true that debate is the only effective way that helps a student to learn the art of speaking fluently on the basis of logical arguments.Its helps the students to develop their power of thinking and reasoning.It is the training ground for making a student great orator and statesman in later life.
I, therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to set up a debating club in our school in order to fulfill our long felt desire and oblige thereby.
Your most obediently,
AK Munir,Class-9
On the behalf of the students of Motijheel Govt High School