In every society, there are accepted rituals and customs that have been celebrated for generations. In Bangladesh, we have some customs to bring about rainfall. The most common one is to put mud on the body and sing in chorus the folk song. ‘’Allah megh de pani de chaya dere tui’’(oh god, give us cloud, rain and
shelter). Boys and girls clad in mud gather round the village singing. A religious person belives that the prayer brings about rainfall. If it fails, then he/she would conclude that there were faults in the prayer and thus God has not accepted it. An atheist may comment that it cannot make the rainfall. But the public reaction is in favour of these customs. They do not want any debate on it rather they want timely rainfall for their crops. I think these customs are our heritage. They show the simplicity of our people. We should not criticize the way our people invoke the blessings of God for rain during the time of drought in our country.